Sep. 23, '11

谷の湯 (Tani no Yu)

Address: 別府市鉄輪北中1組8
Open: 6:30 till 21:30
Price: 100 yen

This was our second visit to Tani no Yu. It is a very old and very basic onsen, but contrary to someone else's opinion, I like it. The water at most 100 yen onsen is really hot, but here it wasn't too bad. I had the bath to myself, so I relaxed and took my time.

Facade before sunset.

Changing area and part of the bath.

This picture is from our first visit. I don't think anything has changed since.

There is a kind of small temple with Buddhas in the corner of the men's bath.

Facade after sunset.

After onsen we had dinner at a nearby restaurant. The fried shrimp was very good.

100 yen onsen Kannawa Onsen Cheap Beppu Onsendō Oita-ken

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