Feb. 21, '12

みどり荘 (Midorisō)

Address: 日置市吹上町湯之浦910
Open: 10:00 till 19:30
Price: Adults: 500 yen; children: 250 yen
Website: http://www.midorisou.com/

Midorisō is a really nice ryokan, conveniently located between Makurazaki and Kagoshima city — our next destination. Unfortunately we took a wrong turn and as a result of that we didn't have much time here. That was too bad, because especially the rotenburo is very nice. The indoor bath wasn't bad either. The only inconvenience is that it is separated from the rotenburo, so you have to get dressed and undressed again when you want change baths.

Entrance of Midorisō

I liked this decoration.

The men's and women's rotenburo are each on one side of a small lake. This is the men's bath.

Women's bath

Rotenburo Kazoku buro Outside Beppu Average price Amenities Kyūshū Onsendō Kagoshima-ken

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