Feb. 26, '12

丹生温泉 (Nyuu Onsen)

Address: 大分市丹生1189
Open: 12:00 till 20:30
Price: Adults: 300 yen; children: 140 yen

Besides trying to go to all the onsen that are part of Beppu Onsendō, we are also on a quest to go to every onsen in Oita City. There are 32 and we still have to go to three.

One of the onsen in Oita City is Nyuu Onsen. The water was nice and I liked bathing here. The only downside was that when I was using the rotenburo, they started using a generator or something. It wasn't only noisy, but there was also a strong smell of gasoline. I had to go back indoors.

Entrance. The building looked quite new.

Entrance to the women's bath.


Indoor bath

Resting room

Rotenburo Outside Beppu Average price Amenities Oita-ken

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