Sep. 23, '12

新清館 (Shinseikan)

Address: 玖珠郡九重町田野1427-1
Open: 7:30 till 23:00
Price: Adults: 500 yen; children: 250 yen

We took an onsening trip to Kuju and went to two onsen. The first one was Shinseikan. We bathed in their rotenburo in the woods. Next to the bath is a small stream. One special thing about this bath is that the men's bath is open to women too. The other way around is not allowed. The surroundings and the tranquility make this one of my favorite baths.

This building houses the men's changing room.

Changing room

Men's bath

Women's bath

Women's bath

Rotenburo Outside Beppu Average price Favorite Amenities Kyūshū Onsendō Konyoku Oita-ken

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October 10, 2012

Edgar from Japanese Through Anime says:

They look exactly the same as those I see on Anime! (Yeah I met and love Japan firstly because of Anime).

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