Dec. 9, '12

ビューホテル平成 (View Hotel Heisei)

Address: 朝倉市杷木志波203-1
Open: 12:00 till 15:00
Price: Adults: 800 yen; children: 400 yen

On a snowy day we went to View Hotel Heisei. We had seen this place from the expressway a few times and we knew we had to go there someday for Kyūshū Onsendō. We expected it to be difficult to reach, but it was surprisingly easy to find.

For your stamp you can either bathe at the hotel or at the nearby restaurant called Hananōka. We decided to bathe at the restaurant, because it's open longer (11:00 till 18:00) and it is cheaper (600 yen for adults). After bathing you have to go and get the stamp at the hotel.

View Hotel Heisei

The bath house that belongs to restaurant Hananōka

The bath is called Nagomi no Yu

The steam from the onsen rises up to the roof of the building

Changing room

The bath

Rotenburo Kazoku buro Outside Beppu Expensive Amenities Kyūshū Onsendō Sauna Fukuoka-ken

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