Dec. 9, '12

かんぽの宿日田 (Kanpo no Yado Hita)

Address: 日田市中ノ島685ー6
Open: 10:30 till 22:00
Price: Adults: 600 yen; children 300 yen

To be honest, I don't know why this is part of Kyūshū Onsendō. It's a big hotel and the onsen consists of many kinds of baths. But, it isn't special and doesn't have any atmosphere at all. I don't recommend it.

There were too many people to take pictures in the bath. This is the facade of the hotel.

Source of the onsen in front of the hotel.

Rotenburo Outside Beppu Average price Sauna Amenities Kyūshū Onsendō Oita-ken

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