Dec. 27, '12

陣屋の村 (Jinya no Mura)

Address: 由布市狭間町鬼瀬971-6
Open: 10:00 till 21:00
Price: Adults: 300 yen; children: 150 yen

Jinya no Mura is a small "village" with a hotel, campsite and a restaurant that also has an onsen. It must be a fun place in summer, but in winter it's quiet.

The onsen was OK. There's an indoor bath and an outdoor bath. The indoor bath smelled of chlorine, so I preferred the outdoor bath, which has natural spring water. The outdoor bath was not so hot, so I could soak in it for a long time.

This is the building that houses the onsen



This is entrance hall where you can relax on tatami after bathing.

Rotenburo Outside Beppu Average price Amenities

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