Mar. 31, '13

ホテル芙蓉倶楽部 (Hotel Fuyōkurabu)

Address: 別府市堀田7-1
Open: 12:00 till 22:00
Price: 800 yen

On a Sunday afternoon we went to have lunch and onsen at Hotel Fuyōkurabu. Lunch was buffet style. Usually I don't like buffet style so much, but this time everything tasted very well. The interesting thing was that men pay more than women. For men lunch costs 1470 yen and for women 1260 yen.

Because we had a coupon we could use the onsen for free, but usually you pay 500 yen after lunch. If you don't have lunch it costs 800 yen. The onsen is not so special, so I think it is quite pricy. If you also have lunch it may be worth it.

Hotel Fuyōkurabu

Men's bath

Horita Onsen Expensive Amenities Towel Beppu Onsendō Oita-ken Sauna

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