Jan. 29, '11

茶房たかさきの湯 (Sabō Takasaki no Yu)

Address: 別府市朝見1-2-11
Open: 10:00 till 18:00
Price: Onsen is free if you drink coffee there
Website: http://takasakif.exblog.jp/

Sabō Takasaki no Yu is a special onsen. It is part of a cafe run by Mr. Takasaki. If you buy a cup of coffee, you can use the onsen for free. Mr. Takasaki is a very friendly person and it seems he enjoys chatting with all his customers.

This is the cafe where you can have a cup of coffee before bathing.

Mr. Takasaki is very enthusiastic about onsening. Among other things he created a free onsen map of the neighborhood. He is also a volunteer guide on the local walking tour.

In the cafe you can buy things that have to do with onsening and with Beppu onsendō. We bought limited edition spaports in gold and silver. Mr. Takasaki also has many onsen memorabilia on display.

Interior of the cafe.

Mr. Takasaki's collection of spaports is displayed on the wall.

We haven't been to many onsen in this part of Beppu. Today we found out it is a nice neighborhood and there are many more baths to soak in. I want to come back soon and explore Hamawaki some more.

Takasaki no Yu

Changing room

You get to use the bath privately, so if someone else is bathing you may have to wait a little bit.

Collecting stamps after bathing.

Next to the cafe is a small gallery with dolls on display.

Kazoku buro Hamawaki Onsen Cheap Beppu Onsendō Kyūshū Onsendō Oita-ken

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