Dec. 18, '11

赤松温泉 (Akamatsu Onsen)

Address: 速見郡日出町藤原赤松6371
Open: 9:00 till 22:00
Price: 300 yen

Last week I was playing futsal at Hayami Futsal Court in Hiji. In between games we went to nearby Akamatsu Onsen. I looks like these baths used to be rotenburo, but a roof was built over them. It's quite old and the visitors are mainly old people. There are about four or five baths, but some of them are lukewarm or the water level is very low. I bathed in only two of the baths. The water felt nice on my skin and it wasn't too hot or cold. I could stay in and relax for a long time.

Akamatsu Onsen

One of the baths

This lady didn't mind being in the picture naked

Outside Beppu Average price Amenities Oita-ken

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December 26, 2011

Hiroki Matsuuchi says:

I'm surprised the woman in the photo didn't mind having her picture taken. Were the baths mixed gender?


December 26, 2011

Mischa says:

It wasn't mixed gender; my wife took the picture in the women's bath. The lady said that she didn't mind her picture being taken and published. I wouldn't have posted it if she hadn't given her permission.

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