Feb. 20, '12

ヘルシーランド (Healthy Land)

Address: 指宿市山川福元3292
Open: 9:30 till 19:30
Price: Adults: 500 yen; children: 300 yen
Website: http://www.seika-spc.co.jp/healthy/

The view from the bath makes Healthy Land one of my favorite places. It's just gorgeous. We went around sunset, which was the perfect time. When you're in the bath it looks like it is part of the ocean. To the west you have a nice view of Mt. Kaimon.

This is the main rotenburo with the ocean in the background.

This smaller bath is hotter than the main bath. In the background you can see Mt. Kaimon.

It is not far from Yamagawa Sunamushi Onsen. So, you might as well try both if you are in the neighborhood.

Rotenburo Outside Beppu Average price Favorite Amenities Kyūshū Onsendō Kagoshima-ken

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