Feb. 22, '12

どさんこ (Dosanko)

Address: 霧島市隼人町嘉例川4403
Open: 11:00 till 16:00
Price: Adults: 500 yen; children: 250 yen
Website: http://www.synapse.ne.jp/dosanko/

The last destination of our onsening trip to Kagoshima was Myōken Onsen. We went to four different onsen here. The first one was Dosanko.

When we arrived at Dosanko the owner informed us that the bath was closed due to renovation. We felt disappointed, but then he said we could use a family bath for the price of the normal bath. I am not sure, but I think he let us bathe because we are doing Kyūshū Onsendō.

I really liked bathing here. The family bath has two small baths. One bath is indoor, the other one outdoor, on the balcony. The outdoor bath was really tiny and the water was quite hot. You had to use a pump to pump up cold water to cool it down.

Dosanko ryokan

The indoor bath

Outdoor bath

The view from the outdoor bath

See, I told you the bath was tiny.

Rotenburo Kazoku buro Outside Beppu Average price Favorite Amenities Kyūshū Onsendō Kagoshima-ken

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