Apr. 2, '12

長泉寺薬師湯 (Chōsenji Yakushiyu)

Address: 別府市野田4組2
Open: Summer: 8:00 till 19:00; winter: 9:00 till 18:00
Price: Donation to the temple (as much as you like)
Website: http://www1.bbiq.jp/k-seri2009/

This onsen belongs to a Buddhist temple. The special thing about this place is that they only want to use spring water for the bath. Usually when the water is too hot to bathe you add cold water from the tap, but here there is cold spring water in buckets available to make the temperature in the bath more bearable. If you use water from the buckets, be sure to fill them with spring water again before you leave.

This onsen is located in Beppu's Shibaseki area. If you want to bathe here ring the doorbell of the temple to let them know you are there.

The bath is not so big. In the background you can see the buckets with cold spring water.

I liked the holes in the wall for putting your clothes.

Cherry blossom with the temple in the background.

100 yen onsen Shibaseki Onsen Cheap Favorite Beppu Onsendō Oita-ken

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