Jan. 4, '13

錦温泉 (Nishiki Onsen)

Address: 大分市錦町2丁目3-15
Open: 15:00 till 22:00
Price: Adults: 380 yen; children: 140 yen

Nishiki Machi is not far from our apartment. We knew there was an onsen there, but we didn't know exactly where it was. My wife looked up the location and it turned out to be very easy to find.

We tried going on January 2nd already, but they weren't open due to the New Year's vacation. On January 4th, the first day after the break, we bathed at Nishiki Onsen.

The water at Nishiki Onsen is brown, which is typical for Oita city. It is also quite hot. So, I did what is recommended in this bath: alternatively use the hot bath and cool off in the cold bath. I quite liked this onsen and since it's not so far from where we live, I think we will go again some time.

Facade of Nishiki Onsen

Changing room

Everything looks new and modern. It seems the onsen was renovated not long ago.

Women's bath

This is the hottest part of the bath. The recommended way of bathing is explained on the wall: bathe in the cold and hot bath alternatively 7 times for 1 minute.

The hourglass on the edge of the bath can be used for measuring the 1 minute intervals.

Me waiting for my wife to finish taking pictures. Thanks for the nice photos!

Average price Outside Beppu Amenities Oita-ken

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