Jan. 3, '13

万象の湯 (Banshō no Yu)

Address: 竹田市直入町大字長湯3264-1
Open: 9:00 till 21:30
Price: Adults: 500 yen; children 100 yen
Website: http://www.bansyounoyu.com/

Banshō no Yu is in Nagayu and I really like Nagayu. We stayed there two years ago and had a nice lunch at Banshō no Yu, but didn't bathe there yet. This time we did.

My wife and her mother wanted to take a family bath, but there was a waiting time, so they decided to use the normal bath instead. I also used the normal bath. I turned out the women's bath was very crowded. Luckily the men's bath was quiet, which gave me the opportunity to take pictures.

The water in Nagayu has natrium and magnesium, which gives it a kind of yellow color and leaves a typical residue on the bath.

The rotenburo has a nice view of the river next to the onsen.

The footbath.

Rotenburo Kazoku buro Average price Ashiyu Outside Beppu Amenities Oita-ken

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