Feb. 21, '11

紅葉館 (Kōyōkan)

Address: 竹田市直入町大字長湯7996
Open: 12:00 till 16:00
Price: Adults: 300 yen; children: 100 yen
Website: http://www.nagayu-onsen.com/koyokan/

We stayed one night at Kōyōkan Ryokan in Nagayu. I enjoyed staying there. The room was very good, dinner tasted good and there was a lot of food. The only disappointment was the onsen. The bath had a lot of mold, which you could smell, and the water was luke warm. That day I had bathed three times already, so I didn't mind too much. Kōyōkan also has a rotenburo, but I don't think it was open when we were there.

Rotenburo Outside Beppu Average price Amenities Towel Oita-ken

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February 28, 2011

Jeremiah Bourque says:

I only just discovered this blog. Very interesting.


February 28, 2011

Mischa says:

Hi Jeremiah, I saw you wrote an article on your blog about Onsen Meijin. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it!

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