Feb. 21, '11

郷の湯旅館 (Sato no Yu Ryokan)

Address: 竹田市直入町長湯3538-2
Open: 9:00 till 17:00
Price: 500 yen
Website: http://www.mjnet.ne.jp/satonoyu/

I really liked Sato no Yu. It's a quiet place that has a nice atmosphere. The ryokan consists of several wooden buildings. One of those buildings houses the bath.

My wife took this picture. I like it because of the sun rays.

Sato no Yu has a lot of yu no hana. Yu no hana are mineral deposits from the spring. If you see something floating in the water it is doesn't mean the onsen is dirty. It is most likely yu no hana.

The mineral deposits get stuck to the side of the bath. The bathtub gets smaller and smaller.

Kazoku buro Outside Beppu Average price Amenities Kyūshū Onsendō Oita-ken

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