Feb. 22, '13

ホテル雄飛 (Hotel Yuuhi)

Address: 別府市北浜2-13-11
Open: 13:00 till 15:00
Price: 500 yen
Website: http://www.hotel-yuuhi.com/
Booking: Book this ryokan online

Due to the limited bathing time for non-staying guests, we hadn't had a chance to bathe here until now. It is a shame we couldn't go earlier, because the baths at Hotel Yuuhi are quite nice.

Both men and women get one indoor bath and one outdoor bath. The hotel receptionist provides you with a towel before you go up by elevator to the baths. After bathing you can wait for your companion in the cozy lounge of the hotel.

Facade of the hotel. Next door is what seems to be a very nice restaurant. I want to try it sometime.

Waiting area on the first floor.

Women's changing room.

Women's indoor bath

Women's rotenburo

Men's indoor bath

The men's bath has a view over downtown Beppu.

Men's rotenburo

The rotenburo has a nice garden.

Rotenburo Beppu Onsen Average price Amenities Towel Beppu Onsendō Oita-ken

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