Dec. 26, '10

薬師湯 (Yakushiyu)

Address: 玖珠郡九重町筋湯温泉
Open: 6:00 till 21:30
Price: 300 yen

Yakushiyu means "Water of the the Healing Buddha". It got the name from the nearby temple.

I visited this onsen on December 26. On the 26th of every month the public baths in Sujiyu are free. There are more ways than one to say numbers in Japanese, but "two" could be futatsu and "six" can be roku. If you take fu from futatsu and ro from roku, you get furo, which means bath. On the day of furo the onsen are free.

Yakushido, a small temple near Yakushiyu.

Yakushiyu is a small onsen. It has one bath and a nice wooden floor.

Outside Beppu Average price Oita-ken

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January 4, 2011

Maiko says:

As the floor is wooden, it doesn't hurt your knees when you wash. I also like this one very much.

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