Dec. 26, '10

悠々亭ホテル (Yūyūtei Hotel)

Address: 玖珠郡九重町筋湯
Price: 700 yen

The second day of our stay in Sujiyu we dedicated to onsening. After breakfast I went to Yakushiyu and my wife went to Iwanyu. In the afternoon we visited Yūyūtei Hotel. After diner we went to Utaseyu again.

Angel Jr., the hotel's mascot.

It seems this hotel is famous in the region. It has had many Japanese celebrities as guests and on Oita's local TV you can see their commercial featuring Angel Jr.

The main bath.

The hotel claims it has 24 baths in total. We used the main public bath, which has a lot to offer, but I don't think it's worth the price of 700 yen.

The open air bath with taki yu.

Vending machine for milk. It usually costs 120 yen and tastes good!

Rotenburo Outside Beppu Expensive Sauna Amenities Taki yu Mushi yu Oita-ken

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January 4, 2011

Maiko says:

Over all, this place is good. Mushiyu, the steam bath, was located very far. Besides it wasn't so warm. The sauna wasn't working either.
I wonder where the highly acclaimed 24 onsen spots are located in this hotel.

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