Mar. 26, '13

薬師温泉 (Yakushi Onsen)

Address: 別府市野口中町17-18
Open: 6:30 till 10:30 and 14:00 till 22:30
Price: 100 yen

Unfortunately, due to a lack of water, Yakushi Onsen has closed its doors for the general public. Before it closed on March 31st, I went one more time.

Often 100 yen onsen in Beppu are on the ground floor of a community center, but with Yakushi Onsen this is not the case. It is housed in a shabby looking building, which doesn't look like it has an onsen in it. Despite the shabbiness, I liked bathing here and I think it's too bad that it had to close.

Facade of Yakushi Onsen

Name of the onsen in the entrance

Yakushi Onsen will be a private bath. Before they reopen they may want to do some maintenance.

Men's bath

The rules of the bath are displayed on the wall.

100 yen onsen Beppu Onsen Cheap Oita-ken Beppu Onsendō

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