Apr. 18, '13

旅館みどり荘 (Ryokan Midorisō)

Address: 別府市明礬温泉7組
Open: 8:00 till 20:00
Price: Indoor bath: 500 yen; outdoor bath: 700 yen

The water in the Myōban area of Beppu has a lot of sulphur in it and because of that the smell is quite strong. After bathing the smell sticks to your skin, which I really like. Another benefit of the water in Myōban is that your skin feels nice and soft after bathing.

Midorisō's onsen also has the strong smell and typical milky color. We got to use the rotenburo privately, which was nice.

Facade of Ryokan Midorisō



Indoor bath

Rotenburo Kazoku buro Myōban Onsen Amenities Beppu Onsendō Oita-ken Average price

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