Apr. 20, '13

やよいの湯 (Yayoi no Yu)

Address: 別府市元町1
Open: 24 hours
Price: 200 yen

Yayoi no Yu is an onsen in Beppu's entertainment district that is open 24 hours a day. You have to pay by putting two hundred yen coins into a box by the door. After paying the door opens automatically.

We had our doubts about this place because it is unmanned and located in the entertainment district, but it was cleaner and nicer than expected. There is one big bath that is divided into two parts. One part is hot and the other part is luke warm.

This onsen is open 24 hours a day

Changing area of the men's bath

Men's bath

Women's bath

Yayoi no Yu also has a foot bath, which costs 100 yen

Beppu Onsen Cheap Ashiyu Oita-ken

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