May. 7, '13

浜脇温泉 (Hamawaki Onsen)

Address: 別府市浜脇1丁目8-20
Open: 6:30 till 1:00
Price: 100 yen

After playing futsal with my wife's colleagues we went to Hamawaki Onsen to wash off the sweat. Hamawaki Onsen is located in the same building as Yutopia Hamawaki. There is one big bath which was used by many people. Because it was crowded there was no opportunity to take pictures of the bath.

Nice banner in front of the onsen. It says: Hamawaki Onsen.

Entrance to the men's bath

Entrance to the women's bath

Women's changing room

100 yen onsen Hamawaki Onsen Cheap Beppu Onsendō Oita-ken

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