May. 14, '13

Hatago 遊湯 (Hatago Yūyu)

Address: 別府市亀川浜田町7-12
Open: 12:00 till 22:00
Price: Weekdays: 1800 yen; weekend: 2500 yen

Hatago Yūyu is an interesting place. It's not a hotel. It's not a ryokan. It's basically just a room with a bath. If you're looking for accommodation in Kamegawa this is actually a good option, I think. When the rooms are not rented out for the night, they can be used as a family bath. Although it's cheaper on weekdays, it was still a bit expensive. Since we want to try every onsen in Beppu, we went anyway.

Sign in front of Hatago Yūyu

The room seen from the entrance

Nice dresser

Filling up the bath

Almost filled up

Kazoku buro Kamegawa Onsen Expensive Amenities Towel Oita-ken

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