Mar. 7, '14

やどや (Yadoya)

Address: 由布市湯布院町川上2717-5
Open: 10:30 till 15:00
Price: 500 yen
Booking: Book this ryokan online

We took a family bath at Hotel Yadoya in Yufuin and it was gorgeous. There was one indoor bath and two outdoor baths. The best thing was probably the view from the bath: we were looking at Mt. Yufu covered in snow.

My wife's brother went along with us and he tried to go to the men's bath, but it wasn't ready yet. The hotel let him use a family bath for the price of a normal bath (500 yen). Family baths cost 2000 yen for 50 minutes.

Indoor bath

The view from our bath

Outdoor bath

Another, smaller, outdoor bath

Rotenburo Kazoku buro Average price Favorite Outside Beppu Amenities Oita-ken

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