Feb. 14, '11

森町ドリーム (Morimachi Dream)

Address: 大分市大字森町80-1
Open: 8:30 till 24:00
Price: 350 yen
Website: http://www.oct-net.ne.jp/~d-onsen

Morimachi Dream Tennen Onsen is a very nice onsen. They have several kinds of baths and a sauna. My favorite bath was the one with the water that looked milky. It looks white because there are tiny bubbles in the water. This bath wasn't so hot and it felt nice on my skin.

After bathing we talked to the owner and her son. They were very friendly and interested in practicing English with us.

Entrance to the onsen.

You will find manga drawings all over the place.

No tattooed people or drunks allowed.

Women's changing room.

Outside Beppu Average price Sauna Amenities Oita-ken

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