Feb. 15, '11

森の湯 (Mori no Yu)

Address: 大分市大字森町594-1
Open: Closed from 9:00 till noon; weekend and holidays: open 24 hours
Price: Adults: 380 yen; high school students: 300 yen; children: 150 yen
Website: http://www.pokapoka-onsen.com/morinoyu-top.html

Mori no Yu is a big onsen in Mori Machi, Oita. In Oita City you will find many similar places. They all have the same kinds of baths and saunas and they are always busy. Mori no Yu is really close to Morimachi Dream Tennen Onsen. So if you are in Mori Machi, I recommend you go there instead of Mori no Yu.

Three unoccupied family baths.

If you are thirsty after sauna there are lots of drinks to choose from.

Rotenburo Kazoku buro Outside Beppu Average price Sauna Amenities Oita-ken

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