Feb. 24, '11

庄屋の館 (Shōya no Yakata)

Address: 由布市湯布院町川上444-3
Open: 9:30 till 16:00
Price: Adults: 700 yen; children: 200 yen
Website: http://www2.ocn.ne.jp/~syouya

My wife took a well deserved day off and we went to Yufuin. Our first destination was Shōya no Yakata. Shōya no Yakata is famous for the bright blue color of its baths.

Changing room.

Shōya no Yakata only has rotenburo. There is no indoor bath.

The last time my wife went to Shōya no Yakata the water was really hot. Too hot to go in and bathe. This time the water was really comfortable. While enjoying the view of Mount Yufu, I soaked for a long time.

I guess this is where the source of the onsen is.

This is the waiting area with a foot bath underneath the tables.

Rotenburo Kazoku buro Outside Beppu Expensive Amenities Kyūshū Onsendō Ashiyu Oita-ken

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