Apr. 24, '11

鉄輪むし湯 (Kannawa Mushiyu)

Address: 別府市鉄輪上1組
Open: 6:30 till 20:00 (entry till 19:30)
Price: 500 yen (plus optionally 210 yen for a yukata)

Kannawa Mushiyu is a steam sauna in Beppu's Kannawa area. Before taking a sauna we joined a guided tour of the area. Part of the tour was a scavenger hunt, which was quite difficult, but a lot of fun.

Facade of Kannawa Mushiyu. The steam saunas are located in the areas right and left of the entrance.

This was our second time. My wife didn't want to use the sauna, because last time it was too hot for her. She felt like her legs were burning. I also think it is very hot, but bearable. I enjoyed it.

You cannot go into the steam sauna naked. You either have to bring your own clothes or rent a yukata, which costs 210 yen. First, you quickly wash your body in the onsen. Then you enter the sauna room through a tiny door. The room is heated by thermal steam and the floor is covered with herbs. The sauna is enjoyed lying down on the herbs. You stay for eight minutes or — if you are tough — ten minutes. Afterwards you can use the onsen to wash off sweat and relax some more.

Onsen to wash off sweat and soak in after taking a steam sauna.

Interesting paving stone with onsen mark outside Kannawa Mushiyu.

Kannawa Onsen Average price Amenities Mushi yu Beppu Onsendō Kyūshū Onsendō Oita-ken

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