Jan. 15, '12

錦栄温泉 (Kinei Onsen)

Address: 別府市光町20-2
Open: 6:30 till 10:00 and 15:00 till 22:30
Price: 100 yen

After spending a nice Sunday afternoon with new friends, we went to Kinei Onsen. It's a typical 100 yen onsen: the locals are very friendly and the water is quite hot. I had to get used to the temperature of the water, but when I did, it was really nice to soak in a hot bath on a cold day. I always enjoy 100 yen onsen. Be sure to try one if you're in Beppu.

100 yen onsen Beppu Onsen Cheap Beppu Onsendō Oita-ken

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