Feb. 19, '13

城山長寿泉 (Shiroyama Chōjusen)

Address: 鹿児島市城山町20-1
Open: 10:00 till 22:00
Price: Adults: 390 yen; children: 150 yen

Shiroyama Chōjusen is one of two Kyūshū Onsendō onsen in downtown Kagoshima. The other one is nearby Satsuma no Yu. Last time we went to Kagoshima it was closed, but luckily this time we could go. There are two warm baths, one of which has a waterfall shower. There is also a sauna and a cold bath.

This is a picture from 2010 when my wife visited this onsen for the first time.

Average price Sauna Outside Beppu Taki yu Kyūshū Onsendō Kagoshima-ken

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