Apr. 7, '13

すじ湯温泉 (Sujiyu Onsen)

Address: 別府市鉄輪井田1組
Open: 6:30 till 19:00
Price: 100 yen

April 7th was the last day of the onsen festival. There were lots of events going on all over Beppu. We participated in a treasure hunt in Kannawa, but unfortunately we didn't find anything. Some of the tickets for the prizes had been blown away by the wind, however, so the organizers did a lottery and we won two prizes: 1000 yen worth of food at Yume Tamatebako and 500 yen worth of food at Jigoku Mushi Kōbō.

After the treasure hunt we bathed at Sujiyu Onsen. The interesting thing about it is that you cannot use soap or shampoo there. It is only for soaking. Since you cannot wash yourself, I don't think it is used much by locals, although it does have the atmosphere of an onsen for locals.

After bathing we had lunch at a very cozy nearby cafe. Finally we watched the parade and dance by locals of Kannawa. I feel we enjoyed onsen festival to the fullest this year. I am looking forward to next year already.

Sujiyu Onsen

Women's bath

Women's bath

Source of the onsen in the women's bath

Men's bath

Men's bath

Collecting stamps for the onsendō

Parade and dance by Kannawa locals

My wife got free eggs that were boiled in onsen steam

100 yen onsen Kannawa Onsen Cheap Beppu Onsendō Oita-ken

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