Oct. 11, '13

別府湾ロイヤルホテル (Beppu Wan Royal Hotel)

Address: 速見郡日出町大字平道字入江1825
Open: 12:30 till 17:00
Price: 1000 yen
Website: http://www.daiwaresort.jp/beppu/
Booking: Book this ryokan online

The Beppu Onsen Guide for 2013/2014 came out recently. It costs 500 yen, but contains coupons for free onsen visits worth about 7000 yen. So, I highly recommend buying this Onsenbon. We used a coupon to bathe for free at Beppu Wan Royal Hotel.

Note that on Monday and Friday the onsen opens at 14:00 instead of 12:30. We hadn't checked the opening times carefully enough, so we had to wait for a while. Luckily they have a nice baby room where we could take care of our daughter in the mean time. The bath is nice, but similar to the ones in hotels in downtown Beppu (which only cost 500 yen).

The hotel is nicely located on Beppu Bay. I wouldn't mind trying their swimming pool sometime.

A baby bath is available if you want to bathe with your baby.

Men's bath

Sauna and cold bath

The women's rotenburo has roses. Very nice.

Rotenburo Shūhen area Expensive Sauna Amenities Beppu Onsendō Oita-ken

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July 15, 2014

rick says:

How much is the regular price for the entry there?


August 23, 2014

Mischa says:

Rick: it's 1000 yen.

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