Nov. 15, '13

蛙の湯 (Kaeru no Yu)

Address: 湯布市中川1176
Open: 9:00 till 21:00
Price: 1575 yen or 2100 yen

After having lunch at nearby Yufuin Garden Hotel (which, by the way, was very nice), we went to Kaeru no Yu. At the moment Kaeru no Yu only has family baths, but they are in the process of building the men's and women's bath. We took an indoor bath, but they also have rotenburos. I think they are a bit more expensive, but you will have a great view of Mt. Yufu.

Sign saying "Nakagawa Onsen Kaeru no Yu" in Japanese.

Facade of Kaeru no Yu

Kaeru means frog, hence the frogs in the garden

We took an indoor bath, but there are also rotenburos.

Bath from another angle

The men's and women's baths are under construction.

Very nice view of Mt. Yufu

Rotenburo Kazoku buro Average price Outside Beppu Amenities Oita-ken

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