Jan. 16, '11

いかりやま温泉 (Ikariyama Onsen)

Address: 大分市片島1組の3
Open: 13:00 till 23:00; closed on the first Tuesday of the month
Price: Adults: 300 yen; children: 150 yen

We tried to find this onsen yesterday, but we got lost. Today we were better prepared and found it without a problem. Ikariyama Onsen is located in a neighborhood called Katashima, which has many very narrow roads. It is easy to get lost.

The building looked familiar when we arrived. I think we visited this place before. However, I am quite sure I had never used the men's bath before. We must have used a family bath last time.

This onsen is not very big and it was busy tonight. There are two baths — one warm, one cold, — a sauna and a few showers. I thought the onsen water wasn't so hot here. I wouldn't have minded if it had been a few degrees warmer. The temperature in the sauna, on the other hand, was perfect.

The waiting room. The bookshelf has lots of books about onsening.

Hair dryers and massage chairs can be used for free.

Kazoku buro Outside Beppu Average price Sauna Oita-ken

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