Mar. 14, '11

松の湯 (Matsu no Yu)

Address: 大分市生石港町2-1-10
Open: Summer: 16:00 till 23:00; winter: 15:30 till 23:00
Price: 350 yen

Facade of Matsu no Yu.

Matsu no Yu is a nice, old onsen in the west of Oita city. There were two baths: a hot one and a very hot one. I didn't mind the temperature much. We couldn't bathe very long anyway: the parking lot we were parked at was closing soon.

The reason I liked this place is because it had many interesting details. For example in the bathing area there was a small stone table with two chairs. I also liked the fact that the onsen water was coming from the mouth of a sculpted lion. My wife said there was a tiny sauna (the size of a small fridge) in the women's changing room. Not sure if there was one in the men's area too. I may have missed it because of its size.

Enjoy the pictures:

Entrance to the women's bath.

The changing room.

Two baths... the one on the right was too hot!

No idea what the purpose is, but it looks nice.

Outside Beppu Average price Sauna Amenities Oita-ken

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