Oct. 16, '10

上人湯 (Shōninyu)

Address: 別府市鉄輪風呂本5
Open: 10:00 till 17:00
Price: 100 yen

Shōninyu is located in Kannawa's touristic area, near Jigoku Mushi Kōbō.

We had not visited this onsen yet, because it closes at 5. Or, actually, after 5 o'clock it's open for members only.

There is a small shrine at the entrance.

Shōninyu is across from Beppu mayor's house, where his family also runs a restaurant. This is where you have to buy your bathing tickets.

The changing area.

100 yen onsen Kannawa Onsen Cheap Beppu Onsendō Oita-ken

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January 4, 2011

Maiko says:

I like the style of the building. The name of the bath comes from Ippen Shonin (1239-1289), who is said to have started the custom of bathing for health in Kannawa.

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