May. 14, '11

おにやまホテル (Oniyama Hotel)

Address: 別府市鉄輪335-1
Open: 14:00 till 16:00
Price: 800 yen
Booking: Book this ryokan online

On May 14th we celebrated my wife's sister's marriage. In the morning we went to a small temple in Kunisaki for the ceremony. (And to a local onsen afterwards.) In the evening there was a dinner party for family at Oniyama Hotel in Kannawa, Beppu.

We had dinner in a Japanese style room.

We got a lot of food and it tasted great.

After dinner we bathed in the daiyokujō (the big bath of the hotel). For guests of the hotel it is open till half past midnight. If you are not a hotel guest, you can only bathe here between 14:00 and 16:00.

Daiyokujō — the big bath.

This photo of the rotenburo is from our first visit in 2009. I couldn't get a good shot in the dark this time.

Oniyama Hotel has another bath called Sora no Yu. Unfortunately we haven't had a chance yet to use it. I hope we can try it on our next visit.

Rotenburo Kazoku buro Kannawa Onsen Expensive Amenities Beppu Onsendō Oita-ken

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