Suna yu

Suna yu means sand bath. In a suna yu you get buried in hot sand. You start sweating like in a sauna. After the sand bath you take a normal bath to wash of the sweat and sand.

Onsen in category Suna yu :

  1. 別府海浜砂湯 (Beppu Beach Sand Bath)
  2. ひょうたん温泉 (Hyōtan Onsen)
  3. 指宿いわさきホテル (Ibusuki Iwasaki Hotel)
  4. 国東荘 (Kunisakisō)
  5. 竹瓦温泉 (Takegawara Onsen)
  6. 山川砂むし (Yamagawa Sunamushi)
  7. 夢たまて筥 (Yume Tamatebako)
  8. 湯元かなわ荘 (Yumoto Kanawasō)